Below you’ll find startup materials and documents to help you get on your way of owning your own inflatable business.
All digital files are digital and available for instant download.
Available For Purchase – Indoor Centers

Lifetime Full Access to premium content plus instant download of the business plan + all documents, forms, and waivers.
Over 10 Extras!!
Using this template is the easiest, fastest and most cost effective way to get a complete, industry specific indoor jump center business plan.
Instant download!
This document is 21 pages long and breaks down how to carry out daily tasks such as party setup techniques, clean up, accidents & injuries, etc.
A must have.
24 Q&A scenarios regarding daily tasks, cleanup, safety and emergency procedures every employee must know!
Using your own accounting software? This account list includes 107 accounts along with account type and tax line.
Instant download!
Register Close-Out and Procedure manual. Includes morning, mid-day, night close, tips, over/short, and more!
Easy Excel Format
Free Downloads – Indoor Centers

List of state regulations and safety officials for all 50 states in the US, Puerto Rico and Canada.
Available in PDF.